Street Views: Third Friday Art Walk

keith kennedy
2 min readAug 8, 2022

Building Culture on Strawberry Hill

While First Friday in the downtown Kansas City Crossroads district has been going on strong for a decade now, Third Friday on the other side of the river is fairly new. The last time I travelled to this once-monthly celebration of neighbors and arts, the event was brand-new. But… that was over year ago. This month’s event snuck up on me but I decided to go down, see what was new, and to snap some photos.

Children and adults alike enjoying the water from sprinklers in the extreme heat.

it was a hot 99 degrees F, yet there was a decent crowd of people enjoying the evening. Consisting of various craft makers, musical artists, food trucks, and clubs, the once-monthly event took over 6th street. To beat the heat, vendors and visitors alike were visiting a water sprinkler garden that was constructed in the middle of the event.



keith kennedy

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