Member-only story
How I Lied My Way Through a Photoshoot
And I Still Got Paid!
Liar, Liar.
I will readily admit that I am a shit liar. Just as dumb is how afflicted i am with a disease some call laziness. And sure, lies and laziness may not have much in common (other than a couple of letter Ls) but give me a second.
Being able to lie effectively means being able to remember that one lied in the first place. Since I can’t be bothered to pay attention when they’re told in the first place, I can never remember my fibs; that’s the laziness coming into play. Call my bluff and I fold. Honestly, if you raise an eyebrow at something I lied about, I’m gonna fold like a birthday card. If I remember that I lied at all.
When I was approached a few weeks back to help out a friend, I said yes without understanding that lying was to be part of the agreement. The friend’s sister’s boyfriend was hoping to move from the soon-to-be-engaged level to a more desired soon-to-be-married one. Thanks to waiting a very, very long time to make his move, his beau had become wise to his sneaky antics when it came to surprises. To make this very important surprise work, he needed outside assistance. Eventually, he found me.
Again, I aint’ no liar. What made me valuable is that i know how to hold a camera and use it’s shutter button. And… I happened to be…